Thursday, March 14, 2013

Studio J - Great way to catch up!

These past few days I have been playing catch up with my youngest daughters album.  My fav way to play catch up is in our StudioJ layouts.  These are digital layouts with more options than imaginable!  CTMH is constantly improving StudioJ and I'm really loving all the possibilities.  I especially love the video's they post.  I get to watch a little something for a few minutes and get to learn new tools and gather new idea's to enhance my layouts.

Here are a few of what I have done this week:

How cute are those!?  Aside from my little cutie herself, the layouts aren't too bad either ;)  And for the next two days there is a special going on if any of you are playing catch up too!  Just $5 for each 2-page layout!  Here is what you will get: a digital copy of the 2 page layout, a digital copy of each single page, and a physical printed copy of your 12x12 layout in the mail.  CTMH uses great paper for their StudioJ layouts.  I have never been let down by their quality.  The most exciting thing about your digital copies is being able to reprint them at a smaller size for any family members who may want a copy album for grandma & grandpa!

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

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