Friday, March 15, 2013

Family is a FOREVER Bond

Just one more StudioJ layout for the week & then onto some other layouts I have been working on for my new Sister in Law!  She doesn't check my I should be able to share without spoiling the surprise ;)

As for this layout...I had worked on it ages ago, but never had it printed because I couldn't figure out what photo's I wanted to add.  While searching my iPhoto account (so time consuming!) I came across some photo's that I absolutely LOVE of my girls and their 3rd cousins (my cousins sons) from a couple of years ago.  My cousin has since had a 3rd son since these were taken, but I just remember this day so clearly and am so glad we were able to take some pictures of them together at this stage.

This quote really spoke to me.  My girls adore my cousins boys and while we don't get to see each other too often, there is still an unspeakable bond between us all.

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

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