Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Birthday Card with a Twist!

I'm on a little bit of a creative kick over here, but I seem to be jumping from one thing to the next & not completely finishing all that I want in one project.  I need deadlines!  Without them....I start and stop TOO much.

I do happen to have one item completely done.  Shocker!  It's a birthday card with a little twist!  It may seem like your average card at first appearance...

But wait!  What is on the inside?  That's right - a little pocket for a gift card!  Who knew?!

This fabulous card can be found on our Cricut Artiste Cartridge, along with over 700 items!  It's one of my favorite items in all of my scrapbook stash and even comes with coordinating stamps and dimensional elements!  This cartridge can be purchased as a collection on my website here

  • 1 – Cartridge (700 images: themed projects, cards, fonts, shapes, and 3-D items)
  • 3 – My Acrylix® D-size stamp sets
  • 3 – 12" × 9" Dimensional Elements (3 sheets of different shapes)
Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March Stamp of the Month

Don't forget that there is only a limited time left to get your March Stamp of the Month at a discounted price!
Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

Monday, March 25, 2013

A little "Thank You"

With my Disney project behind me, I was finally able to whip up a thank you card to my new client.  Lets just say it's not my most perfect work and lets just say it took MUCH longer than it should!  I was not on my "A" game that day, but I am happy with the final product.  It turned out pretty cute & I love the color combo.

The paper pack is no longer available :( but it is still one of my favorites to this day!  The Dotty For You paper pack was featured last May during our National Scrapbooking promotion.

One last close up :)

I love doing homemade cards.  They just make everything a little extra special :)

Happy Scrappin!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Disney Layout Swap

It is no secret that I LOVE Disney and everything related to Disneyland!  This year the Close To My Heart convention is being in held in Disney World at the end of June.  I was so thrilled as I have never been to Disney World and I could combine two of my favorite things, Disney and scrapbooking :)  However, I learned that my oldest daughter and her Girl Scout troop would be traveling to Disneyland 3 days before convention.  As any good mother would do I cancelled my trip to Disney World to join my daughter in Disneyland.  Not a bad trade if I do say so myself :)  Besides it will make going to Disney World that much better when we get to go for the first time as a family...someday....hopefully in the next couple of years!  With that being said my team did a Disney layout swap and of course I had to participate!  I completed 13 single page layouts to be paired up with another consultants page to have a 2-page layout for Monsters Inc.  I'm so glad I joined in the fun because the layouts I got back were great!

I used my handy dandy Cricut machine to cut out all the pieces from the Pixar cartridge I borrowed from another consultant.  So sweet of Janice!  Here are some of the layers and tools I needed to create Mike Wazowski.

A nice close up of my page with Mike.

And finally here is our 2-page layout.  I'm so glad I teamed up with Lori - she did a great job on her page!

Happy Scrappin!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Family is a FOREVER Bond

Just one more StudioJ layout for the week & then onto some other layouts I have been working on for my new Sister in Law!  She doesn't check my I should be able to share without spoiling the surprise ;)

As for this layout...I had worked on it ages ago, but never had it printed because I couldn't figure out what photo's I wanted to add.  While searching my iPhoto account (so time consuming!) I came across some photo's that I absolutely LOVE of my girls and their 3rd cousins (my cousins sons) from a couple of years ago.  My cousin has since had a 3rd son since these were taken, but I just remember this day so clearly and am so glad we were able to take some pictures of them together at this stage.

This quote really spoke to me.  My girls adore my cousins boys and while we don't get to see each other too often, there is still an unspeakable bond between us all.

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Studio J - Great way to catch up!

These past few days I have been playing catch up with my youngest daughters album.  My fav way to play catch up is in our StudioJ layouts.  These are digital layouts with more options than imaginable!  CTMH is constantly improving StudioJ and I'm really loving all the possibilities.  I especially love the video's they post.  I get to watch a little something for a few minutes and get to learn new tools and gather new idea's to enhance my layouts.

Here are a few of what I have done this week:

How cute are those!?  Aside from my little cutie herself, the layouts aren't too bad either ;)  And for the next two days there is a special going on if any of you are playing catch up too!  Just $5 for each 2-page layout!  Here is what you will get: a digital copy of the 2 page layout, a digital copy of each single page, and a physical printed copy of your 12x12 layout in the mail.  CTMH uses great paper for their StudioJ layouts.  I have never been let down by their quality.  The most exciting thing about your digital copies is being able to reprint them at a smaller size for any family members who may want a copy album for grandma & grandpa!

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's the new year!  Let's be's 3 months into the new year and life has just calmed down for me to do my first blog post.  That is crazy!  And unacceptable.  I promise to be better about posting.  I'm not even sure who I'm posting for at this point?  I'd normally say just myself, but it's official...I have my first follower!  Whoohoo!! Heidi - if you are reading, this is all for you :)  It made my day to log on and see that I have a follower who is not a family member :)  So excited!

Back to business now.  I am constantly evolving as a person and I do NOT limit myself to just paper crafts, or scrapbooking.  This is why I'm probably not the best at blogging (since I have titled my blog "Mary B Scrappin").  I think it's time I add a little more to that title.  This year I will not limit myself to sharing just my paper products.  Which is why I was thrilled when CTMH came out with their latest catalog and it included fabrics!!!  Oh ya!!  This catalog in particular speaks to me more than any other because it really shows ideas for home decor and party decorations.  Just like I LOVE to do!

Browse the latest catalog here, or if you know what you are looking for you can shop here.

Also, here are some quick tips on how to incorporate the new fabrics/textiles onto your scrapbook layouts!

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

Halloween Wreath

LOOK at what I never posted back in October!  What is wrong with me?!?

It's safe to say that I have an obsession with making wreaths.  To be honest, I'm not sure what to do with them year after year?  Do I save each one?  Give some away?  Continue to make them while I already have one for each season?  Eh!  Who knows!  But I'm happy as a clam when they are all done and look just as good as I pictured in my head :)

This year's Halloween wreath used another stuffed fabric ornament (not sure who is putting this on their tree...maybe that's just me though?!) AND my fav new addition of a cardstock paper coffin featuring the Moonlight paper from CTMH (just like yesterday's cards)!

This coffin actually opens and there is a little paper skeleton glued to the bottom.  It is meant to be a treat holder for candy corn and then you see more of the skeleton as you eat more of the candy, but it somehow stopped being cute for me and seemed morbid handing out a miniture paper coffin to a friend, so this is where it ended up instead...on my wreath!  And it looks darn cute if I might add :)

What do you think?  Not too shabby for using materials I hadn't used on a wreath before :)  I did hot glue my coffin on the backside to the wreath, but just pinned the skeleton on in case I ever want to replace him with something else down the road.  The spiders are little clips that I got from Michael's, as well as the glittered letters.

I took a picture of him on my front door, but prefer him inside on my mirror.  This way I don't have to worry about him getting beat up by outside elements and I can admire him more often from my couch :)

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B