Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back to School Muslin Bags

My kids start back to school a little later than the other kids in our neighborhood.  They attend a private school, so they start later & get out later, but their summer is still the same length as all the other kids :)
This year my youngest is joining her big sister at school.  She is starting "Jr. K" and thankfully our school starts that young!  She has been so anxious to join her sister. 

So I decided to send the girls to school with a special treat for their teachers.  Here is what I came up with:

They both were very excited about these!  Thank goodness too, because they took me longer than I expected :)  I ended up with 2 for my youngest and 6 for my oldest since she has different teachers for different subjects.

Here is what you can find in each one:

Not too shabby for a decorative baggie for some hand sanitizer :)

I used our CTMH School is Here stamp set.  It was perfect for this project!

You can find it here for only $9.95.  I'm so glad I used it this year's project :)

Here are some close up's of the bags:

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

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