Friday, November 18, 2011


I have become obsessed with wreaths this year and how to duplicate what I see online or if it's possible for someone with absolute no craft skills to re-create another persons masterpiece.  It's doable!  I did it!  It's not identical (of course!), it has my own spin with a little something special.  The point??? I can do it!  So without further delay, here is my very first yarn wreath:

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this wreath!  It brightens up the room with colors and character.  Hopefully you enjoy the little owl as much as I do.  I'm currently in the process of finishing another wreath made of burlap, but I just saw an amazing wreath made by the CEO, Jeanette Lynton, of Close to my Heart.  She really is one of the most creative women I have met!  I can only hope to create half as much beautiful artwork as she does.

 You can find this wreath with instructions on her website along with many more of her beautiful creations.

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