Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Clearly I have taken a huge break from the blog world.  I don't really have any followers at this time, so it hasn't been a big deal, except to me.  I know someone, somewhere has stumbled onto my site (unless all visitors are my family!) and I should have some things new to be looked at!

My biggest issue as of late is that I'm not really limiting myself to just scrappin, but have expanded into other creative projects.  So, what do I do with a blog about scrappin?  Not sure, but I'll keep it up and just start including my other home decor projects as well and see where it gets me :)

For now though, I'm going to play catch up on what I have done but not posted! A little bit each day should have me caught up real quick!

Back to February - I know!  Sad, right!? ;) I did some great decorations for my daughters birthday party though!

I always do a single page layout to showcase the party girl and this month the Lucy paper pack was absolutely perfect for her party decor!

It would have been nice to do more like above, but I think her items came out great, especially for a small table display :)

This was my inspiration and if I do say so myself...my knock off wasn't too shabby ;)

And of course I had to share this even though it is not scrapbook related...it turned out so pretty!  Who knew a hula hoop and some streamers could have such a large impact?!?!!

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

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