Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Projects

I have yet to post my own version of the Christmas card video I posted a couple weeks ago, but I promise I will soon!  I have just been a little busy with some other projects around the house and for my daughters teachers.  Here is what it all looks like so far...

Late in the evening I realized I did not have small bags for my daughters gifts, so this is what I cam up with!  The first two were for her teachers and the elf bag was for her ornament exchange for Girl Scouts.  Here is a closer look at all three...

Of course, no Girl Scout party can take place without a festive craft, but what to do?  I headed straight to one of my favorite places & promptly got an idea from Splitcoast Stampers for pencil holders.  I did tweek it a bit for the supplies I had on hand.  What do you think?

Lastly, I made a banner for my girls to hold while taking our Christmas card picture.  It didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would, so it's resting place for this season is my hutch!  Don't laugh at my horrible photo, but you get the idea :)

 Hope you enjoyed the pics!

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

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