Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baby Girl Shower Favors

More baby stuff...I know!  I know!  It will be over soon! ;)

My Sis in Law needed some party favors and I obliged!  How could I not?!  She showed me a post on Pinterest that had the phrase, but the tag needed something here is my version:

A sweet little flower with "Sweet Pea" hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Works!  So simple, but so cute!

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B

Friday, October 18, 2013

Diaper Cake!

It's no secret that babies are popping out everywhere in my life over here!  So many babies!!  The excitement is just getting overwhelming! :)

This is not an actual scrapbook post, but still a crafty one ;)  I made my very first ever Diaper Cake for my Sis in Law!  It's very classic and not over the top, but I love it just the same!

Here is what I used to figure things out for her diaper cake theme:
Wooden Dowel
& an Old Perfume Bottle (that I have NEVER used!)

Based off her adorable princess theme room with cocoa and soft pink is the end result:

The bear I threw in at the last minute.  It's not on her registry, but it is part of her bedding and is oh so soft!  What little girl doesn't want a lovey?!  I'll admit that my diapers are NOT all white, however it was on her registry and I'm all about purchasing items that she wants and won't go to waste! :)

What do you think?

Happy Scrappin!
Mary B